(SPECIAL NOTE: to see ALL the posts, you need to click on the teeny arrow thing -- looks like this >> at the bottom of the blog! It takes you through the pages of posts. Some folks were confused by why they could see the NUMBER of posts, but couldn't read all of them -- that's why! It took me a while to figure that out, too, once upon a time! LOL.)
1) (9:06 a.m. PST) WINNER #1 is SHARI C!. She wins a set of signed books: from Eloisa James, Kayla Perrin, Sara Bennett and moi!
2) (10:39 a.m. PST) WINNER #2 is AMBER PACKARD! She wins the Tarot Reading from Tarot by Arwen!
3) (1:52 p.m., PST) WINNER #3 is APRIL FUNDERBURGH! She wins signed books from Karen Hawkins, Sophia Nash, Alexandra Benedict and MOI!!
4) (5:52 PST) WINNER #4 is LAURA EMERSON! She wins signed books by Julia Quinn, Toni Blake, Sylvia Day and moi!!
5) (8:18 p.m., PST) WINNER #5 is RACHEL JESSUP! She wins the pearl, garnet and 14k gold filled earrings from the LIKE NO OTHER LOVER collection by Circe Designs!!
Hello, my kittens, and welcome to the LIKE NO OTHER LOVER Book Shower-your gift to me is showing up, and my gifts to you…well, that's where the showering comes in. I'll be showering you with prizes (well, I'm giving away five prizes) all day long! I'll talk about those in a second, but for now I’m just so delighted you could help me celebrate today. Have you selected your delicious Sexy Cyber-Waiter yet? (Excuse me while I accept a drink—a Mimosa, of course, as it’s morning here on the West Coast-—from the oh-so-handsome-and-attentive "Seth," he of the "oozing sensuality," warm green-gold eyes and lilting Irish accent.). You can switch your waiter selection throughout the day, too—these guys won’t mind a bit. It’s in fact your prerogative to be as fickle or demanding as you like today, because these men revel in seeing to your pleasure and comfort. :)
So what’s it like here in our own personal party Pleasure Dome? Well, for starters, the air is as fresh and soft as the first day of spring and the carpet is sinfully plush, so kick off your shoes and wriggle your bare toes in it. Mingle with the other guests, sprawl on one of the generous velvet sofas as the sounds of a very accomplished string quartet softly waft over you, or avail yourself of one of the massage chairs on the perimeter—all of your waiters are versed in every imaginable kind of massage, from Shiatsu to Hot Stone, so all you need to do is ask. For those of you who like to blow off steam by kicking up your he els, the disco (it’s in the North Wing) is already full swing-and…hark! Is that Duran Duran I hear?? Isn’t it sweet of all our favorite 80’s bands to show up and play a few songs throughout the day to help celebrate the book release? Make a request in the comments below, and who knows, your favorite band—from any decade—might just show up, too.
The buffet and the infinitely replenished chocolate bar are over at the far end—see all the gleaming tureens and colorful platters? And all those chefs eager to help and answer your questions? So you can drop off your cyber-dishes over there. :) And as for me, I’ve brought coq au vin—a big vat of slow-cooked chicken, wine, pearl onions and mushrooms (yum!)—to share with everyone. Did anyone bring an interesting salad? A breakfast casserole?? A favorite main dish? I’ll post my practical recipe in the comments below.:) Holiday recipes are particularly welcome, since we’re teetering on the brink of that season. And may I point out that Like No Other Lover and The Perils of Pleasure look rather a lot like Christmas side by side? Give your friends a Pennyroyal Green starter kit this year! Hee!
The drink of the day is the Like No Other Lover, and I can’t divulge the ingredients, but I can tell you that it’s pale pink, a sparkly, silver mist hovers over the rim of the crystal goblet in which its served, and one sip makes you feel exactly the way your favorite memory makes you feel. Ask your waiter to fetch one for you!
So, my lovelies, I’m thrilled about Like No Other Lover, because reviewers seem to be loving it. I hope you do, too! It’s in stores officially today, and some of you might already have it in your sweet little paws or on your nightstands, bless your hearts. It’s the story of Miles Redmond and Cynthia Brightly, and it’s the second book in the Pennyroyal Green series, which was launched by The Perils of Pleasure. I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! Feel free to ask any questions at all about the series or the book in the comments-it’ll be fun to talk about it.
Now, let me tell you about the prizes!
Three separate sets of FOUR signed books compiled from donations by such lovely and talented romance authors as Eloisa James, Anna Campbell, Kayla Perrin, Toni Blake, Julia Quinn, Alexandra Benedict, Christine Wells, Karen Hawkins, Sophia Nash, Sara Bennett, Sylvia Day and moi! Aren’t they sweet to bring gifts to the party to give to you??
A beautiful pair of handcrafted pearl, garnet and sterling silver
earrings from the Like No Other Lover collection by Circe Designs, inspired by LNOL's lovely cover;
A Hero’s Journey or Life Path Tarot Card reading from Tarot by Arwen, from Stephanie Arwen Lynch, a professional reader and romance fan. Because in Like No Other Lover, our heroine, Cynthia Brightly (along with a few of her friends) visits a band of gypsies who regularly set up camp on the outskirts of Pennyroyal Green for dukkering, or fortune telling. A bit of chaos ensues before they get around to the card part, so this is where Arwen comes in.:) Sure to be very cool and enlightening .
I’ll be at the party by around 8:30 or 9 a.m. PST, but you can all come in and play anytime before then, too.:) I’ll give away the first prize the first hour I’m there, and give them away at random intervals to commenters chosen at random (using my magic Excel Randomizing macro!) throughout the day, just to keep things lively. :)
So come on in! Let’s hang out, catch up—it’s been too long!-chatter about the weather and recipes, Like No other Lover, and anything at all we feel like, and just enjoy our decadent, indulgent, peaceful version of reality today.:) All you need to do to play is tell me what cyber-dish you brought to share.:) xo….julie
*gasp* can it be that I'm first to the party?! This is most excellent - what a wonderful event you've put together, Julie - and congratulations on the new book! I'm so glad reviewers are liking "Like No Other Lover" - and the cover is gorgeous!
I can't wait to see what'll go on all day but... since it's 2:30 am :P I'm going to bed now, and hopefully when I wake up and get a chance to stop by everything will be in full swing! But first - I'm going to claim one of those wonderful velvet sofa's ;).
Posted by: JSL | October 27, 2008 at 11:36 PM
How exciting and good morning! I'll be hitting the bookstore as soon as they open up this a.m. to buy my copy of "Like No Other Lover" :) . Right now my waiter, Seth, is getting my first cup of coffee for me so I can begin my morning.
Posted by: Kathy | October 28, 2008 at 02:28 AM
Good Morning Julie! What a lovely party you've put together for us to celebrate the release of Miles and Cynthia's book! It's 5:47am where I live and Jean-Richard is taking good care of me. He's prepared a delicious cup of hot chocolate for me and is softly humming in the kitchen as he cooks breakfast. I think I heard him mention something about walking the dogs so I don't have to venture out into the cold morning air. Sigh...
I've been busy making chocolates for your tasting pleasure and have a lovely assortment of turtles, chcolate-covered pretzels, elegant chocolate cherries, dark chocolate-tangerine crunch, Oreo bark, and white chocolate-peppermint crunch. Help yourselves! I'll be back later with recipes for that delicious Blue Cheese Walnut spread over there in the corner and the always popular Kahlua-Pecan Brie.
Posted by: PJ | October 28, 2008 at 03:00 AM
Oh! I got so carried away with Jean-Richard and the food that I forgot to mention that I've already had the privilege of reading LIKE NO OTHER LOVER (I reviewed it for romancenovel.tv) and you are all in for a wonderful, emotional, sensual, very satisfying ride! :)
Posted by: PJ | October 28, 2008 at 03:03 AM
Hi Julie!
Congratulations all those great reviews you got! Well my waiter is Jonathan from Philadelphia which is close to our home so it's very convenient. Poor Jonathan is waiting to see what happens with the Phillies since this awful rain that is falling postponed the game indefinitely.
Posted by: Maureen | October 28, 2008 at 03:04 AM
Congratulations on all the great reviews, Julie! I'm ooking forward to reading LIKE NO OTHER LOVER myself. You've put out quite a spread. I'll try to get back later after work to share one of my favorite recipes.
Posted by: Cheryl S. | October 28, 2008 at 03:55 AM
I am bringing croissants with delicious ham and turkey and swiss cheese. Nice to meet all of the other party goers.
Posted by: Jennifer G | October 28, 2008 at 04:29 AM
WOW!!!! I can't beleive I'm going to have to miss such a great Blog Party. I have to be at work at 8:00 and won't get home til 5:00.
I love reading your books and can't wait to read Like no Other Lover. It sounds great.
My question is:
Are there any absolutely-must-have characteristics for your heroes or heroines?
Do you have favorite characters from the books you've written?
Do you plot out your stories first or do you let the characters lead you?
Hope to see you all this afternoon. AWWW Man I can't believe I have to miss this.
Posted by: Kimmy L | October 28, 2008 at 04:35 AM
Good morning Julie & everyone. I haven't seen Jonathan yet, but when I do I want one of those LNOL drinks - they sound yummy! Meanwhile, possibly a mimosa.
By the way - Cheryl your ham/turkey/swiss croissants are fabulous!
Posted by: Susan | October 28, 2008 at 04:38 AM
What great reviews! Congratulations, Julie!
Since it is so early yet I am having Stephan, my waiter, get me a wonderful hot, spicey, pumpkin flavored cappuccino (after all, it is almost Halloween) and a sinfully warm pastry to enjoy while I meet some of the other guests already here. Later, I must go and get my food to bring over while I enjoy more of your wonderful party. Let's all have a terrific time and make it a party that Julie will always remember. I have not had the pleasure of reading 'Like No Other Lover' yet, but definitely intend to real soon...plus later enjoy one of those fabulous drinks by coincidentally the same name.
Posted by: Shari C | October 28, 2008 at 04:45 AM
Good morning Julie and all. Thanks for the invite to your party (and for the handsome and attentive waiter, Ethan). I have brought chocolate-dipped strawberries to share. I look forward to reading "Like No Other Lover". It sounds fabulous.
Posted by: Darcy | October 28, 2008 at 04:56 AM
Jean-Richard will be serving you warm from the oven muffins (passes the tray around). I hope you enjoy them. Here's the recipe:
1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup Crisco Oil
2 cups peeled and diced apples
1-1/2 cups chopped walnuts
3/4 cup shredded coconut
Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a large bowl, mix flour, baking soda, salt and nutmeg.
In a medium bowl, mix eggs, sugar and oil. Stir in apples, nuts and coconut.
Stir apple mixture into the dry ingredients until moist.
Grease 16 muffin cups. Spoon mixture into each cup to 3/4 full. Bake at 350 F. for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool at least 15 minutes before removing muffins from the pan.
Posted by: PJ | October 28, 2008 at 05:00 AM
Your parties are so fun - and such a surprise - but I can see that you have a lot to be excited about. So nice to hear how great things are going for you !!
Posted by: Susan | October 28, 2008 at 05:10 AM
I'm stopping by quick now and dropping off a platter of French beignets to start of the morning, love to grab a cup of French Vanilla coffe to go with mine right now. Hope I can sneak back later and don't miss out on all the fun, a busy day today.
Julie, this is one of the best covers, love it!
Posted by: Pam P | October 28, 2008 at 05:22 AM
Sorry - forgot to bring a dish - went home to get it:
My dish is something that I miss terribly - can't get the right type of sausage around here - "Korv Stroganoff" - need a special sausage from Sweden called Falukorv. When you imagine it think mild balony in a creamy tomato sauce - actually just a simple Beef Stroganoff recipe using Tomato Paste, Water, Lemon Juice and some cream. If you'd like a taste I'll serve it to you over white rice- enjoy!
Posted by: Susan | October 28, 2008 at 05:24 AM
Julie, thanks for inviting me to the party! I sadly have to be at work all day and late into the evening which means this will be my only visit today :( But I am leaving lots of food and drinks for the party :)
Congratulations on the new book! Cheers..it's not too early to drink right :)
Posted by: Kathleen | October 28, 2008 at 05:33 AM
Im bringing the chili dip....its a great cold weather food that makes a meal by itself
2lbs lean ground beef
2 cans Hormel chili(no beans)
2 lbs velveeta cheese
Chips of any kind
Brown burger then thow into a crock pot with the Hormel chili and cheese.
Stir often till cheese melts
You can tweek however you like to your own taste
Posted by: Julie Parrish | October 28, 2008 at 05:38 AM
I love a good party! Congrats on the great reviews! If you have Duran Duran playing, making sure to play "Hungry Like The Wolf". Unfortunately, I have to go to work now, but I'll pop back to the party later!
Posted by: Sandy Y | October 28, 2008 at 05:40 AM
Just stopped in before work to say HI!
Here's a favorite food of mine.
Hungarian Kifli
9 ounces cream cheese
1 cup butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3 egg whites
8 ounces ground walnuts
1 cup white sugar
1/3 cup confectioners' sugar for decoration
In a medium bowl, cream butter and cream cheese. Stir in the egg yolks and vanilla. Stir together the flour and baking powder. Add the flour mixture a little at a time until it is fully incorporated. Divide dough into 5 parts, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate overnight.
in a medium bowl, beat egg whites to soft peaks, add sugar a little at a time while continuing to beat to stiff peaks. Fold in ground walnuts, and set aside. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into 3 inch squares, place 1/2 teaspoon of filling in the center of each square and roll up from corner to corner. Place on cookie sheets and refrigerate until hardened.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake cookies for 10 to 12 minutes, until lightly browned. Roll in confectioners' sugar when cool.
Posted by: Candy Gorcsi | October 28, 2008 at 05:40 AM
Good morning everyone! Hi Julie! I thought I might drop in before beginning my day. I am in the Army and am on days now so I could actually come and say hi! This is just so much fun and I am going to drop in at lunchtime! I can't wait to try your recipe Kathleen!
Here is my food contribution
Sweet Potato Puffs
1 Cup mashed sweet potatos (without adding any milk or butter)
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
1/8 tsp cinnamon
6 Large Marshmallows
1/3 cup Graham Crackers
Combine sweet potato, brown sugar, salt & cinnamon; shape a small amount around each marshmallow. Roll in crumbs. Place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 6 minutes or until lightly puffed (do not overbake or marshmallows will melt.)
Posted by: Laura Emerson | October 28, 2008 at 05:48 AM
My cyber-waiter Lito just brought me a dark chocolate raspberry ripple milkshake, made with ice-cream in a nut-free facility because I have an allergy :(.
For my dish, I'm bringing Fancy Chicken casserole - I don't have the exact measurings because it's something my family makes by ear, so to speak. I think the "Best of Bridge" ladies may have the exact recipe.
-Pound of cooked chicken breast
-1 can of cream of mushroom soup
-1/2 cup of Mayonnaise
-White wine
-Grated Cheddar cheese
-Cook broccoli, put on bottom of casserole dish
-Cook chicken, cut into bite-size pieces, and do the same
-mix soup, wine, mayonnaise together, and pour over chicken and broccoli
-cover the whole deal with grated cheddar
-bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes
It's delicious with white rolls.
I can't wait to read this book - the excerpt sounds fabulous. I also have Perils of Pleasure coming in the mail and "The Runaway Duke" on my TBR pile.
Posted by: AnimeJune | October 28, 2008 at 05:52 AM
Wow what an amazing party! Kevin - my waiter - is getting my coffee and I spied something chocolatey over in the corner. Yes I know it isn't even 8 a.m. yet but anytime is a good time for chocolate!
I can't wait to get my hands on Like No Other Lover. Congrats on the wonderful reviews.
Ok I brought a simple dish for a lunch. Very easy to make but oh so good. Hubby loved it too so that makes it even better.
Cheeseburger and Fries Casserole
2 pounds lean ground beef
1/2 medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed golden mushroom soup
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed Cheddar cheese soup
1 (16 ounce) package frozen French fries
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Combine the ground beef and onion in a skillet over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally until beef is no longer pink, and the onion is translucent. Drain off excess grease, and season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Return to the heat, and stir in the golden mushroom and cheese soups until well blended. Heat through, and remove from stove. Transfer the mixture to a 9x13 inch baking dish. Cover the ground beef mixture with a layer of frozen French fries.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven. When the fries are golden brown, remove the casserole from the oven, and sprinkle cheese over the top. Return to the oven, and bake just until cheese has melted.
Ok I am off to begin work but I will be back a little later to see what else is going on.
Posted by: Becky Grayson | October 28, 2008 at 05:58 AM
Thank you for the invite to your party. I was pleasantly greated by Desmond at the door who froze me in place and I just stood there looking into those liquid brown eyes. Of course he smiled and in that deep, rich voice ask me if he could help me in and as I came through the door put his hand on the small of my back and guided me inside.
Desmond promptly took the plate of Spanakopita or Spinach Triangles that I have brought as well as my coat and offered to get me a drink and a sampling of some of the other goodies that were brought.
So, for now I'll remain sitting ever so closely on the sofa with Desmond feeding me some of the wonderful treats everyone has brought and enjoying my conversation with him as he is a very good listener and wants to know all about me and the dish that I prepared for the party.
I know, I should mingle and get to know everyone, but I'm just SO captivated by Desmond please forgive me. Even if I don't want to share Desmond at the moment I will at least share my recipe with all of you.
Spanakopita - prep time 40 min.
1/3 cup olive oil
2 pounds spinach, washed and drained
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
A dash of Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 pound feta cheese, crumbled
1 to 2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted
1 pound filo pastry sheets
Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large saute pan, add half of the spinach and saute until spinach wilts, tossing with tongs, about 2 minutes. Remove spinach and squeeze out excess liquid, then chop roughly. Repeat with remaining spinach, using 1 more tablespoon of olive oil. Pour off any liquid from the pan, and add remaining olive oil. Add the spinach along with the parsley, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes, then remove from heat to cool. (This part can be done ahead and kept refrigerated).
Stir the feta and as much beaten egg to moisten the cooled spinach mixture.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Brush a baking sheet with some of the melted butter.
Unroll the filo dough on a flat surface and keep it covered with waxed paper and a damp towel so it doesn't dry out and become brittle. Using a sharp knife, cut the filo into 3 by 11 inch strips, and recover with the towel. Use a pastry brush to brush a strip of filo with melted butter. Place a small spoonful of spinach filling 1 inch from the end of the pastry. Fold the end over the filling to form a triangle, then continue to fold up the strip in triangles, like folding up a flag. Continue with remaining strips of dough, placing filled triangles on the baking sheet and keeping them covered with a towel until all are ready to bake.
Brush the triangles lightly with butter, then bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden and crisp. Serve hot.
Posted by: Kasey P | October 28, 2008 at 06:23 AM
In honor of Julie's fabulous chocolate bar, I've snuck Seth away to help in the kitchen with this absolutely decadent Chocolate Pizza. Enjoy!!
16 oz. Semi-Sweet Baker's Chocolate
16 oz. White Almond Bark
2 cups Krisp Rice Cereal
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 cup party peanuts
1/2 cup maraschino cherries, drained and halved
1/2 cup green candied cherries, drained and halved
1 cup shredded coconut
(I also like to add several diced peppermint kisses to the top)
1. Line a round baking sheet or pizza pan with wax paper for easy cutting and clean up.
2. Melt together all of the chocolate and 14 oz of the almond bark in a large bowl.
3. Mix in the cereal, marshmallows, and nuts.
4. Spread onto pan in roughly even layer.
5. Top with cherries and coconut to look like pizza.
6. Melt remaining almond bark (I do this in a small measuring cup) and drizzle over top. (This can be done by kinda "flinging" it with a spoon.)
7. You can add any other "toppings" you might like, candied fruits might be good, or as I do, peppermint chunks. Let this harden in the refrigerator until it can be broken apart with a knife or into chunks.
WARNING: It is extremely rich, I don't recommend breaking it into large pieces. But it's always a hit at our holiday parties.
Posted by: Ashli | October 28, 2008 at 06:26 AM
Good morning Julianne. Hi everyone! It looks like I'm late for the party as it is already in full swing.
Since everybody likes chocolate I thought I'd bring along more chocolate to the party in the form of a chocolate pecan pie with whipped cream or ice cream.
Posted by: Sue A. | October 28, 2008 at 06:26 AM